The Chicago Botanic Garden
Is a great place to visit throughout the whole year here in Chicago.
In every season at the Garden, there are activities, programs
and breathtaking beauty throughout all our 385 acres of woods,
waterways, 24 formal display gardens, and four natural areas.
You can explore the wonders of the Garden by walking or by
taking a tram. Tram tours include a panoramic overview or the
intimate view of the gardens of the main island. To enhance your
visit, please download Garden guides of individual gardens or
check out our interactive Garden map.
Detailed information on special events, exhibits, garden walks
and tram hours is available online in the Events Calendar or onsite
at the Visitor Center. Close to the city of Chicago, the Chicago Botanic
Garden offers fun for kids and families. Come to the north shore for a
family outing, with free activities that entertain young and old alike.
Find a perfect Garden for an indoor or outdoor walk or to enjoy nature
photography. Let the children run and smell the flowers while you enjoy
the serenity and beauty of the ever-changing views.